Navigate Austin Recycling
A Newcomer's Guide to Green Living
Published on: January 12, 2024
green, red, and yellow bins for compost, trash, and recycle
Photo By: Nareeta Martin

Thinking about moving to Austin? Welcome to a vibrant city that’s passionate about sustainability! One way to embrace Austin’s eco-friendly ethos is through recycling. But navigating the system can be tricky for newcomers. Worry not! This guide equips you with everything you need to know about recycling in your new Austin neighborhood.

General Recycling Information:

  • Curbside pick-up: Most Austin neighborhoods have weekly curbside recycling pick-up for eligible materials. Check with your waste collection provider for your specific pick-up day and accepted items.
  • Drop-off centers: For larger items or non-curbside recyclables, head to one of Austin’s many drop-off centers. Search online for locations near you.
  • Accepted materials: Austin accepts a wide range of recyclables, including paper, plastic, glass, metal, and cardboard. However, specific guidelines apply. Consult your waste provider’s website or a city resource like the Austin Resource Recovery website for detailed lists.
  • Common recycling faux pas: Watch out for common mistakes like contaminated recyclables (food-stained items, greasy pizza boxes), mixed materials (coffee cups with plastic lids), and non-recyclables (electronics, batteries, hazardous materials).

Neighborhood-Specific Recycling Options:

Each Austin neighborhood may have slightly different recycling policies and resources. Researching your specific area will ensure you’re recycling accurately and maximizing your efforts. Some resources to explore:

  • City of Austin Resource Recovery website(s): Find information on curbside pick-up schedules, drop-off locations, and accepted materials for specific neighborhoods.
  • Neighborhood association website(s) or social media groups: Many neighborhoods have online communities where residents share information about local recycling initiatives and best practices.
  • Waste Management / collection provider website(s): Your waste provider’s website should have detailed information about their services, including recycling guidelines and schedules.

Additional Tips for Newcomers:

  • Download recycling apps: Utilize apps to easily identify what’s recyclable in your area.
  • Get involved: Attend community clean-up events or volunteer with local environmental organizations to connect with fellow eco-conscious Austinites.
  • Spread the word: Share your recycling knowledge with your neighbors and friends to help build a more sustainable Austin community.

By following these tips and researching your specific neighborhood, you can become a responsible and informed recycler in your new Austin home. Remember, every little bit counts when it comes to protecting our planet!